The annual awards is to be given to a graduate or undergraduate art student who has demonstrated satisfactory performance in all of his or her art courses. The student must have recommendations from at least two art history professors. The award will be given for a minimum of $500.00.
Scholarships for the study of art, normally applicable against tuition charges. Students are eligible for up to four semesters support. Applicants must maintain a 3.00 average and have no outstanding incompletes at the time of application. Applications are reviewed once per semester for use in the following semester. Deadlines for spring and fall semester applications are approximately 31 October and 31 March. In addition, there is a summer travel award cycle, the deadline for which is approximately 15 April. Preliminary review of undergraduate applications is made by the Art Department Awards Committee, graduate applications by the Graduate Committee and by the art history faculty, depending upon the applicant's area of specialization. Amounts of awards, which vary, are determined by the Executive Committee.